the iCite net development blog news and thoughts on and around the development of the iCite net en blojsom Jay Fienberg 2006-12-13T16:30:17-05:00 My new blog is live and active and exciting and rad and stuff <p> My new blog, the <a href="">Juxtaprose blog</a> is now online, and, as it turns out, I am now posting there everything I would have previously posted here. So, if you would like to keep up with my posts on the web and technology, please head over to the Juxtaprose blog. </p> <p> As an example, I'm going to post an entry about why the &quot;web as platform&quot; idea associated with web 2.0 incorrectly equates the platform with web sites / services / companies, rather than with the web itself. I used to write things like this for this blog, but I now get to write shorter and simpler entries for Juxtaprose, and I like the constraints. </p> <p> So, my current plan for the iCite net blog is to write and post a few more entries about the ideas of the iCite net&mdash;just to memorialize them a bit. And, after these are posted, I'll more dramatically &quot;freeze&quot; this site and put pointers everywhere to the <a href="">Juxtaprose website</a>. By freeze, I mean that I plan to cease blogging here and cease making changes to this site. </p> <p> *** </p> <p> Personally, I am doing well. I got swamped with a big work project for a few months (since my previous post here), which project recently ended. Now, I am full-time for a couple months on recording <a href="">an album of my music</a> and launching <a href="">my extremely small record label and recording studio</a> (said extremely small studio is being built down the hall as I type). </p> <p> I've also started a new podcast at <a href="">Wrong Notes</a>, which will pick up again now that I'm not so swamped with web work. Later in the month, I'll post my next podcast on the "Worst Song Ever" (written and recorded by my cousin and myself when we were teenagers). </p> <p> Thanks for tuning in here&mdash;hope to see you over at the <a href="">Juxtaprose blog</a> and/or <a href="">Wrong Notes</a> in the future! </p> Wed, 13 Dec 2006 16:30:17 -0500