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by Jay Fienberg

FOAF barn raising / autodiscovery link

posted: Jun 26, 2003 8:59:12 PM

Today Mark Pilgrim posted:

Dan Brickley: New version of XML:FOAF in CPAN. Looks like that syntax for FOAF autodiscovery is the de facto standard now.

So, I updated my about / people page with the autodiscovery syntax, which looks like this*:

<link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" href="foaf.rdf" />

But, for the moment, my FOAF file looks like I have no friends, and this makes me not like FOAF! OK, I actually like FOAF or want to like it, but maybe we need to all get on an IRC chat and help each other create references to each other?

I put my FOAF file online a while ago, with the intention of starting to add some people's names to it. I saw that Marc Canter mentioned he was starting to do this in his FOAF Time post, but looking at Marc's FOAF file, it looks like he hasn't gotten to it yet.

Danny Ayers has his FOAF file on his site, and looking at it confirms what I think I need to do to add friends to my FOAF file. But, in terms of people whom I have some interaction with, Danny has been into FOAF way longer than I have, and his FOAF file makes him look pretty friendless too (which is not true)!

So, what is up with this? Do we need to have a FOAF barn-raising?

I was thinking we could change FOAF to mean something like "Friendless' Obsolete Annoying File" if no one uses it. I guess if TypePad uses it, a lot of people will use it. I want to support it in the iCite net, so I am curious to see where it is at.

* The New version of XML:FOAF in CPAN page shows a link using an attribute called "ref", which actually should be "href". You can see the correct version in the XML::FOAF spec. The way I show the link in this post is the correct form.

There is more discussion of the XML::FOAF module on Six Apart's Fun with FOAF page.

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Comment by: ·
posted: Jun 27, 2003 3:40:35 AM

in the original foaf aggregator - long since offline - there was a 'shopping basket' mode, where you could store people you found while navigating the web of foafs. I never built the 'checkout' though. maybe revisiting that idea could help with data creation?

Comment by: ·
posted: Jun 27, 2003 4:31:00 AM

ps. "href" typo fixed - thanks!

Comment by: Danny ·
posted: Jun 27, 2003 8:03:04 PM

Hi Jay, I got a mail from Marc earlier in the week, and then seeing your blog prompted me into action - see the link below. When I first put up a FOAF I was a bit hesitant about including people, and since then I've been too lazy to do anything about it (not that I've made any friends ;-) Just now it was difficult going the other way - I remembered the photo of Libby with the dreadful FOAF flag, and decided I'd have to add her. I found danbri's file first, so added him, then Libby, then Jim was in there too...and there were a load of other people I've exchanged mail with at one time or another. Oooh - I know 'im and 'im... Fortunately I was making typos every time, upsetting the parser, so that acted as a brake. The 'checkout' idea sounds marvellous.

Comment by: Dan Brickley ·
posted: Jun 29, 2003 8:53:03 PM

"I remembered the photo of Libby with the dreadful FOAF flag"... (Aside) Just for the record, it wasn't a real FOAF flag, but a crudely hacked image ( made, for no particularly good reason, as a background for the foafcorp page,

trackback from: the iCite net development blog
posted: Jul 2, 2003 2:06:20 AM
title: FOAF gets my OK vote

Today I made a good leap with FOAF. Here is what I did.

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