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by Jay Fienberg

The fair and balanced nudes network

posted: Aug 15, 2003 4:02:10 PM

This is my contribution to Fair and Balanced Friday. [via this post on Boing Boing]

The fair and balanced nudes network

The human body is pretty balanced, most of the time. And, I don't know if I could define what is fair, or how what's fair is fair exactly, but it seems fair enough to say that the human body can be fair.

So, the human body can also be called a nude to clarify that, while clothing can be balanced, and maybe clothing can be fair, fair and balanced nudes aren't dependent on the fair and balanced clothes.

Now, you might be asking at this point: "Fair and balanced nudes sounds good—what is the best source for fair and balanced nudes?" And, I would have to say that you are getting ahead of me, so hang on a second, because I am going to describe the fair and balanced nudes network.

The human body, the nude, especially the fair and balanced nude, tends to conjugate and even cohabitate with other nudes. It would be presumptuous to say that any one fair and balanced nude necessarily attracts another fair and balanced nude—the fair and balanced nude's story can't be reduced to sound byte like that.

But, fair and balanced are qualities in the nude that tend to draw the attention of other fair and balanced nudes. So, it is at least safe to conjecture that one fair and balanced nude leads to another. This is the Friend-of-a-Friend, or FOAF principal.

What this amounts to is a social network of fair and balanced nudes. Or, in short, a fair and balanced nudes network. So, the answer to question of how to find the best source for fair and balanced nudes is that you have to just watch for fair and balanced nudes, and from any one, you will find a whole vast network of fair and balanced nudes.

Now, just a warning to anyone looking to find fair and balanced nudes: many people mistaken call the fair and balanced nude the "Fox". The Fox maybe is fair and balanced and maybe is not, but the Fox always claims to be fair and balanced. So, that saying "clever like a Fox" really is meant as a warning against a Fox that claims to be a fair and balanced nude but really is not.

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trackback from: the iCite net development blog
posted: Aug 15, 2003 5:45:10 PM
title: Cory Doctorow on Trademarks

Cory Doctorow has posted over at O'Reilly a good summary overview on Trademarks, perhaps only coincidentally, just in time for Fair and Balanced Friday

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posted: Mar 25, 2006 2:48:23 AM

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posted: Mar 26, 2006 11:55:26 PM

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posted: Mar 27, 2006 6:47:08 AM

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posted: Apr 9, 2006 4:16:27 AM

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posted: Apr 10, 2006 6:41:42 AM

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posted: Apr 15, 2006 10:47:25 AM

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