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by Jay Fienberg

My advice to Britney Spears on our birthday

posted: Dec 2, 2003 3:04:56 PM

Today is my birthday, which, according to The Simpsons calendar on my wall at home, is exactly the same birthday as Britney Spears, except I'm a decade or so older. So, I thought I should share with Britney tidbits of what my head start on life has taught me.

Unfortunately, I don't really know anything about Britney. So, I don't know, for example, if she could use my advice about the things I care a lot about, like music and love; or the things I have learned important things about, like how to deal with success and the pressures of fame.

Now, of course, I assume Britney has learned how to check her website's referer logs, and will notice the click-throughs from here. I didn't know how to do that when I was her age, but, then again, I am not sure if websites or referer logs had been invented yet when I was her age.

So, Britney, one of the things about getting older, that I am sure you are starting to notice since you woke up this morning, is that you start talking about stuff that hadn't been invented when you were younger. Let me tell you, there seems to be more and more of that going around, and you have to prepare for it.

Now, there is a lot of stuff you might have missed out on that happened before you were born. But, you probably don't have to worry about that much since everything keeps getting re-done for TV or movies, and even in music. And, that is another thing—as you get older, at least to a certain point, you remember the first time something was done and usually think the remake sucks in comparison.

What else? Hm, well it is lunch time and I am going to go eat now. That doesn't change much as you get older. Anyway, Happy Birthday Britney!

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Comment by: Lion Kimbro ·
posted: Dec 22, 2005 3:52:49 AM


trackback from: the iCite net development blog
posted: Dec 12, 2003 2:52:31 AM
title: "Joi vs. The Burtonator" and troubadour audio blogging

So, my band (er, of one for now), The Ear Reverends created a little ditty called Joi vs The Burtonator. This is my birthday gift to you (my friends)

trackback from: the iCite net development blog
posted: Dec 2, 2004 1:48:49 PM
title: Today is my birthday

I was going to make my giving advice to Britney Spears on our birthday an annual thing, but decided that my advice last year is sufficient, and is, in fact, already a classic and timeless part of everyone's experience of our birth date.

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